All images on this website have been taken in Leicestershire and Rutland by NatureSpot members. We welcome new contributions - just register and use the Submit Records form to post your photos. Click on any image below to visit the species page. The RED / AMBER / GREEN dots indicate how easy it is to identify the species - see our Identification Difficulty page for more information. A coloured rating followed by an exclamation mark denotes that different ID difficulties apply to either males and females or to the larvae - see the species page for more detail.
Craneflies, Gnats & Midges
True flies (order Diptera) are an immense group with over 100,000 known species. They all have their hind pair of wings reduced to pin-shaped structures called halteres which act as gyroscopes to maintain balance in flight. Most feed on liquids, including nectar and blood.
The Dipterist's Forum offers a huge range of support for those interested in this group.
This group includes fly species that are in the dipteran sub-order Nematocera - the most ancient of the three fly sub-orders meaning they were the first to evolve. Fly species in these families all typically have reduced wing venation or wing veins that radiate to the margin and lack a closed anal cell. They are mainly lightly-built flies with long legs and long antennae. - a forum with some photos but best used to get identification help. Just upload an image and be surprised how quickly you get a response.
Fly anatomy - a fascinating and interactive guide to the technical bits that make up a fly! If you're serious about identifying flies it is necessary to understand the terms used.
British Craneflies (BENHS) - Alan Stubbs. The go-to guide keys and many images to enable the identification of all British species.
Shropshire Craneflies - an excellent book (most of the Craneflies found in Shropshire are also found in Leicestershire and Rutland)
If you know of other websites or books that you would recommend, do let us know:
Pediciidae - Hairy-eyed Craneflies
These are closely related to true crane flies. There are about 500 species worldwide.