Changes in Leicester’s vascular plant populations since records began....
Leicester City’s vascular plant population has seen huge changes during the last 300 years, not least because the land which now falls within the City boundary has changed from mostly agricultural to almost entirely urban. This project investigated this change in detail.
City Flora 2024 - Summary explains the project, outlines the main findings and lists the documentation.
Taxa list is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet holding the current and historical plant species data.
Species accounts is a file of c.1500 Word documents each of which summarises the findings for a specific taxon, some with additional information.
Frequency comparison is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet for each taxa recorded between 2012 and 2024.
Comments on City to vc55 Taxon Frequency Comparison highlights some of the major differences in frequency changes.
Maps - Leicester Through Time shows 5 map photographs.
All recent records used in this account can be found on the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland database.