Welcome to Hathern Wildlife Group. Our aims are to:
- raise awareness about the natural environment
- develop and maintain local wildlife habitats
- monitor and record local wildlife and wildlife habitats
- publish information about the natural environment
We have a Facebook group - Hathern Wildlife - which has over 400 members. We have quite a few good wildlife photographers - nearly every day we get excellent photos posted in the group.
We have a group of volunteers. Projects we have carried out have been creation of wildflower meadow areas in the park, cemetery and churchyard; installation of barn owl and kestrel boxes (we have had barn owl broods most years). We've planted wild daffodils and snakes head fritillaries, trees and new hedgerows. We've recently been opposing the destruction of a species rich 250 year old hedgerow in a proposed housing development and won.
Hathern Parish Council has given the group three adjacent allotments as a wildlife area. These are in the Shepshed Road allotment site. The allotments contained a number of fruit trees but were full of rubbish which took a lot of clearing, and it's now a managed wildlife area. It's given us the opportunity to have a "tree nursery" - we get offers of free trees and nowhere to immediately plant them. We can now accept trees and hold them till we have a location prepared. We'll also be raising meadow plants to add to our village meadow areas. We've just installed a substantial wildlife pond.
Please contact our secretary, Dave Neville, daveneville1947@gmail.com, 01509 843607 for further details.