Coniopterygidae - Dustywings or Waxwinged Lacewings
All images on this website have been taken in Leicestershire and Rutland by NatureSpot members. We welcome new contributions - just register and use the Submit Records form to post your photos. Click on any image below to visit the species page. The RED / AMBER / GREEN dots indicate how easy it is to identify the species - see our Identification Difficulty page for more information. A coloured rating followed by an exclamation mark denotes that different ID difficulties apply to either males and females or to the larvae - see the species page for more detail.
Lacewings & Scorpionflies
This group includes a number of very common and frequently encountered insects. However identifying the species isn't obvious for most species. Fortunately there are a few good resources to help with this.
Useful websites and publications
Gloucester Mecopteran - a useful free guide to the three UK species of scorpionflies and how to identify them.
Key to the Adults of British Lacewings and their Allies, Colin Plant - this Aidgap publication from the FSC is the best resource around for this group. A bargain at £8.
If you know of other websites or books that you would recommend, do let us know:
Lacewings - Neuroptera
Coniopterygidae - Dustywings or Waxwinged Lacewings