Your views are sought on the LNRS - here's how to get involved. More...

Barn Owl, Tyto alba

The NatureSpot Photo of the Month for January is this image of a Barn Owl taken by NatureSpot contributor Marian Markham. More...


With nearly 3 million pageviews in 2024, it costs money to keep NatureSpot online and available to you for free. More...

Charlotte Shenkin - NBN Awards

Nominations are open for the NBN Awards for Wildlife Recording 2025. More...

There are seven categories of awards:

Getting Identification Help

You may notice the NatureSpot home page has had some updates - here's why. More...


NatureSpot's Annual Report for 2024 gives all the details of our activity during the past year. More...


The draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Leicestershire, Leicester, and Rutland lays out practical actions to boost the area’s wildlife and natural spaces. More...

Cetti's Warbler

The NatureSpot Photo of the Month for December is this image of Cetti's Warbler, taken by NatureSpot contributor Marian Markham. More...


It's been another busy year for NatureSpot and not without challenges, but we're still here. More...

Neolentinus lepideus

An unusual fungus record - keep an eye out for this one. More...

Finalist NBN Award 2024

A key member of the NatureSpot Team was a Finalist in the NBN Lifetime Achievement Awards 2024. More...

Scutigerella agg

The NatureSpot Photo of the Month for November is this image of a Symphylid, Scutigerella agg, taken by NatureSpot contributor Peter Smith. More...


NatureSpot - if you value our website, we need your support. More...

Spangle Waxcap

The NatureSpot Photo of the Month for October is this image of Spangle Waxcaps, taken by NatureSpot contributor Marian Markham. More...


Two new publications available for you to download and enjoy. More...

Moth Recording in the Vale of Belvoir

Moth expert Pete Leonard has published two reports on moth records from the north east corner of VC55, a previously under-recorded area. More...

Arocatus roeselii

Any biological record has at least four essential parts. More...

Giant Polypore Meripilus giganteus

The NatureSpot Photo of the Month for September is this image of a Giant Polypore, taken by NatureSpot contributor Jane Hollingworth. More...

Cropston Wildlife Verge in 2024

For a third year, a road verge in Cropston has been left to grow over the summer, with the aim of encouraging biodiversity. Peter Smith reports on the changes seen. More...

Xestophanes potentillae

A plant gall worth looking for now are the nodules caused by the wasp Xestophanes potentillae on the stolons, roots and lower stem of Creeping Cinquefoil. More...