Banded Mosquito - Culiseta annulata
Wing span 13 to 15 mm. This species is one of the largest mosquitoes, the wings are spotted and the legs and abdomen are boldly banded. Members of this family have a long forward pointing proboscis and the males have feathery antennae.
The similar, but smaller, Asian Tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) only has a wingspan of 7 to 8 mm and the thorax of Aedes albopictus has a single white central line from front to back; this does not occur in Banded Mosquito (Culiseta annulata).
Unless identified by a recognised expert, a photo is required. If the photo doesn't show the key ID features then in the comments box describe the identifying characters you have observed. As size is very important in determining this species, please make sure that you include a note of the approximate wing span in the comments box when submitting your record.
The adults rest in buildings, caves and hollow trees. It hibernates as an adult in buildings.
Spring until late autumn when it hibernates.
Larvae live in a variety of aquatic situations including fresh and brackish, open and shaded, but there seems to be a preference for water with a high nitrogen content. As an adult it freely attacks humans as well as cattle to take blood, often causing blisters, but only the female mosquitoes suck blood, the males feed on nectar.
Widespread in Britain, but seems to be most common in south eastern England.
Status in Leicestershire and Rutland not known.
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Species profile
- Species group:
- Craneflies, Gnats & Midges
- Kingdom:
- Animalia
- Order:
- Diptera
- Family:
- Culicidae
- Records on NatureSpot:
- 9
- First record:
- 12/03/2012 (Calow, Graham)
- Last record:
- 16/02/2024 (Dale Green)
Total records by month
% of records within its species group
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