The NatureSpot Photo of the Month for July is this image of a newly emerged Common Darter, Sympetrum striolatum, taken by NatureSpot contributor Dylan. More...
In July the Odonata (Dragonflies and Damselflies) got into their stride with many species emerging and taking to the wing. The Common Darter, Sympetrum striolatum, is one of our most frequently seen species, but this photo captures the minutes after the adult emerges from the nymph clinging to pondside vegetation. The wings have been fully inflated by pumping fluid from the body through the veins but are still drying and stiffening before taking to the wing. Over the next few weeks this dragonfly will dart around using its huge eyes to search for flying insect prey and for females, then, by the autumn, will have died. Except that its eggs may already have hatched and the next generation of nymphs will start their underwater life, feeding and waiting for ... next July.
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