Unbranched Bur-reed - Sparganium emersum
Medium height plant, with erect or floating stems. Leaves triangular in section not keeled. Inflorescence simple, unbranched, female clusters 3 to 6 the lowermost often stalked. Male clusters 3 to 10 separate from one another like the female, style straight.
More often recorded as floating leaves; sometimes reluctant to flower, and flowers often part submerged in water
Freshwater margins.
July and August.
Widespread in Britain but not as common as Branched Bur-reed.
Occasional in Leicestershire and Rutland. In the 1979 Flora survey of Leicestershire it was found in 49 of the 617 tetrads.
Leicestershire & Rutland Map
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Yellow squares = NBN records (all known data)
Coloured circles = NatureSpot records: 2025+ | 2020-2024 | pre-2020
UK Map
Species profile
- Common names
- Small Bur-Reed, Unbranched Bur-reed
- Species group:
- Grasses, Rushes & Sedges
- Kingdom:
- Plantae
- Order:
- Poales
- Family:
- Typhaceae
- Records on NatureSpot:
- 11
- First record:
- 21/07/2006 (Calow, Graham)
- Last record:
- 01/08/2024 (Bell, Melinda)
Total records by month
% of records within its species group
10km squares with records
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