Phyllonorycter sorbi

Alternative names
Rowan Leaf-miner
Rowan Midget

Wingspan 7 to 9 mm. The forewing colour is golden brown but is often suffused with blackish on the outer half. The white markings are well defined and partially bordered blackish.

Identification difficulty

Adult Leafmine

ID checklist (your specimen should have all of these features)

Leafmine occurs on Rowan, Bird Cherry and Whitebeam.


Where Sorbus species -(especially Rowan) are present.

When to see it

It flies in April and May and again in August.

Life History

The larva feeds in a leaf-mine, which is wrinkled on the underside and curved into a tube on the upper surface. The whole leaflet is often strongly contorted. The most usual foodplant is Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia), but it is sometimes found on Bird-cherry (Prunus padus) and other species of Sorbus including Swedish Whitebeam (Sorbus intermedia).

UK Status

Distributed throughout the British Isles, this species is generally commoner in the northern half. In the Butterfly Conservation's Microlepidoptera Report 2011 this species was classified as common.

VC55 Status

It appears to be uncommon in Leicestershire and Rutland, where there are few records. L&R Moth Group status = D (rare or rarely recorded).

15.044 BF324

Leicestershire & Rutland Map


Yellow squares = NBN records (all known data)
Coloured circles = NatureSpot records: 2025+ | 2020-2024 | pre-2020

UK Map

Species profile

Common names
Rowan Midget
Species group:
Records on NatureSpot:
First record:
15/06/2013 (Woodward, Steve)
Last record:
15/11/2023 (Graves, Hazel)

Total records by month

% of records within its species group

10km squares with records

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