Anoscopus serratulae

Alternative names
Aphrodes fuscofasciatus

Males 3 to 4 mm (females to 4.5 mm). Males of this species are pale (compare A. albifrons), with three dark bands across the forewings, the first of them intermittent. The fore-body is uniformly pale brownish, with the rear half of the pronotum paler. Females are difficult to identify certainly; the 7th abdominal sternite has a narrow central notch.

Identification difficulty
ID checklist (your specimen should have all of these features)

Detailed examination of the specimen is needed to identify this species. A photograph alone is not normally sufficient because key features are not obvious and there are one or more similar species.

Recording advice

Dissection of male genetalia required to confirm species, females may not be possible.


Grassy areas.

When to see it

July to September.

UK Status

Frequent in the southern half of England, scattered records from further north and in Wales.

VC55 Status

Status in Leicestershire and Rutland not known.

Leicestershire & Rutland Map


Yellow squares = NBN records (all known data)
Coloured circles = NatureSpot records: 2025+ | 2020-2024 | pre-2020

UK Map

Species profile

Species group:
Records on NatureSpot:
First record:
27/07/2020 (Cann, Alan)
Last record:
27/07/2020 (Cann, Alan)

Total records by month

% of records within its species group

10km squares with records

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