Hawthorn-carrot Aphid group - Dysaphis crataegi group
The aphid Dysaphis crataegi causes galls to form on the leaves of Hawthorn (Crataegus sp.) in spring. The gall takes the form of a crimson or purplish red upward bulge (not affecting the whole leaf). Waxy grey aphids are present underneath.
The aphids migrate to umbellifers (Apiaceae) in summer. There are several species in this group that require detailed examination by an expert and we have therefore decided to include these as Dysaphis crataegi group.
Other Dysaphis cause similar galls, and the vacated galls may also be used by aphids of other species. The fungus Taphrina crataegi can cause similar blisters and bulges on Hawthorn in April/May
Check underside for aphids. It is difficult to distinguish this gall from Dysaphis ranunculi on Hawthorn, and expert advice should be sought.
Wherever the host plants are present.
Aphids are usually present on Hawthorn in April and May before migrating to umbellifers. The Hawthorn galls persist whilst the plant is in leaf.
It is difficult to determine the exact status in Britain due to lack of records.
Status in Leicestershire and Rutland not known.
Leicestershire & Rutland Map
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Yellow squares = NBN records (all known data)
Coloured circles = NatureSpot records: 2025+ | 2020-2024 | pre-2020
UK Map
Species profile
- Species group:
- Bugs
- Kingdom:
- Animalia
- Order:
- Hemiptera
- Family:
- Aphididae
- Records on NatureSpot:
- 5
- First record:
- 22/09/2016 (Grimes, Martin)
- Last record:
- 12/05/2022 (lemmon, roy)
Total records by month
% of records within its species group
10km squares with records
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